Suiker Unie at the Spotlight

The crucial issue in the cutting mill process is the need to reduce losses and to increase
the output. More uptime leads to higher production. Therefor it is necessary
to find the right balance between energy usage, sugar production
numbers, equipment costs and deterioration of the assets.
Suiker Unie
Suiker Unie – part of Royal Cosun – produces a large variety of sugar products like Van Gilse granulated sugar and syrup.
Approximately 750 people work in the three sugar refineries in The Netherlands and in Germany.
Less losses, higher output
The crucial issue in the cutting mill process is the need to reduce losses and to increase the output. More uptime leads to higher production. Therefor it is necessary to find the right balance between energy usage, sugar production numbers, equipment costs and deterioration of the assets. The collected data makes it possible to optimise the processes and in this situation especially timely maintenance positively influences the process.
Intelligent cutting mills
Monitoring and analysing the process parameters – like for instance the rotational speed, the torque and the energy consumption – and correlate the data with all the other information makes it possible to predict what the best time is to exchange the blades in the cutting mills. This is a powerful tool for operators that can now make well-founded decisions.
Manufacturing Analytics helps Suiker Unie to reduce the losses and increase the output, but it also leads to less energy and excipients usage so it cuts two ways.
Suiker Unie in the spotlights
Read the complete article in response to the presentation of Peter van Dam (Manager Technical Service – Suiker Unie Vierverlaten) at the Wonderware KnowledgeXchange.