Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland

AVEVA Select Intelligence helps RDWCB to transform individual values from the process
into usable information with relevant context. The RDWCB can combine and
interpret all the available data from all the different systems and
this results in better performing water treatment facilities.
Rijnland District Water Control Board
Dry feet and clean water, that is – summarised – what the Rijnland District Water Control Board (RDCWB) stands for. The
purification department that makes use of Wonderware technology is responsible for the treatment of waste water of all
companies and the households – about 525,000 – in this region.
Individual values from the process become valuable information
Wonderware Intelligence helps RDWCB to transform individual values from the process into usable information with relevant context. The RDWCB can combine and interpret all the available data from all the different systems and this results in better performing water treatment facilities.
Graphic visualization is the key to optimization
By visualising the (sensor) data every operator can see in a blink of the eye how the systems perform and where action is needed. Several dashboards give the desired insights in, for example, the energy consumption and used chemicals. Details can be further analysed by making selections in the dashboard and zooming in on specific information and this way RDWCB is able to optimise the processes and save on operational costs.