We gave a duo-presentation with Jorn Vroegh of Danone during the PPA Knowledge Days and shared his rich AVEVA Teamwork experiences. Jorn started his career as an operator, later he became a mentor, an examiner, and today he is the Learning & Development Coordinator at Danone. He explains how he spotted and implemented the product in 2015 and what AVEVA Teamwork brings Danone to daily practice.
AVEVA Teamwork is a very user-friendly mobile application that drives manufacturers’ performance and productivity by giving workers the power to solve problems independently and learn continuously on-the-job.
Jorn remembers the old situation: “In case of a machine standstill or something like that, it was difficult to come to the right information to solve a problem. We did our very best, but troubleshooting this way was time-consuming and expensive because a machine that is not running costs money. At that time, we had about 200 instructions – on paper – for just a single section. There was a lot of paperwork, and it was never there when you needed it, which can be risky in case of emergencies. Many people here were walking encyclopedias. They had the skills to solve a problem, but the knowledge was stored in their heads and not available for the entire organization. I then realized that this had to be organized smarter, more efficiently.” Jorn shows some slides to explain the steps made.
Instead of calling engineering and waiting for them to arrive, an operator can now pick up an iPad and scan one of the strategically placed QR codes on the equipment in question to access all the information he needs in less than one second. The information includes videos that show the problem and the corresponding videos to solve the problem.
Jorn is also very enthusiastic about the training- and skill-functionality of the platform. “It is a great performance support tool. This is no traditional learning management system, AVEVA Teamwork gives our people the ability to oversee, track and manage their learning.
AVEVA Teamwork has no barriers, and it works intuitively. That makes it easy for everyone to start using it. It is widely accepted and continuously fed.” The success story continues because today, around the globe, 21 sites of Danone use AVEVA Teamwork. It helps the multinational with their paperless journey, connects the factory workers, stimulates ownership, and minimizes human failures.
Jorns advice: “Start small, with a single production line. It takes less than a month until you will see the difference. As soon as people see that AVEVA Teamwork really works, they will adopt it and support it, and that is the moment to take the next step forward and accelerate. It is like organizing a party, and it is a tool that your operators deserve to have. It is extremely educational and helps people to expand and share their knowledge.”
Contact us to learn how AVEVA Teamwork can drive your factory’s performance and productivity by connecting your factory workers to your digital operations. Let’s get in touch to present a live Demo.